Oriental Cockroach Characteristics – Blatta orientalis
Between 20 and 30mm in length this is the roach most commonly associated with hotels, hospitals and restaurants.
Nocturnal you will also find it outside around bin and drain areas. The oriental cockroach uses a pheromone ( a chemical capable of changing the behaviour of another animal of the same species. Not always an attractant ) this allows the Nymphs and adults to cluster together when inactive.
If you are experiencing a sickly sweet smell in heavy infestations there may well be a number of egg cases and even dead roaches to observe.
Lifecycle – Egg case called an ootheca carries around 16 eggs. The Nymphs can take from 5 to 17 months reaching maturity with the adult living around 7 months.
The German Cockroach – Blatella germanic
Smaller than the Oriental at 12-15mm it prefers warm indoor temperatures and is capable of climbing smooth surfaces.
The German Cockroach carries a number of known disease organisms harmful to humans due to feeding on waste food and dirty water then walking over food preparation areas.
The Female German Cockroach unlike the Oriental carries the ootheca containing upto 40 eggs attatched to her abdomen right up until the time of hatching which can take from 2 – 4 weeks.