Facts about Flies
The scientific name for flies is Diptera, simply meaning two wings, nearly all of the 100,000 species worldwide fall into this category.
Flies have extremely short lives, on average lasting around 30 days, however within this time the adult can lay in excess of 500 eggs. Flies are one of the pest species hazardous to health and need to be treated by a professional
Cluster Fly – Pollenia rudis, Common Housefly – Musca domestica, Stable Fly – Stomoxys calcitrans, Blowflies including Bluebottle – Calliphora vicina, Greenbottle – Lucilla spp, Flesh Fly – Sarcophaga spp, Fruit Flies – Drosphila spp, Horseflies – Tabanidae, Sewage Flies – Psychoda,
The Blandford Fly has been a historical nuisance to the residents of Dorset due to its biting. Treatments on the River Stour, including North Dorset, East Dorset and Poole have seen a reduced number of reported incidents.
The larvae usually emerging from the river in late April and are sprayed to prevent them reaching adulthood. The Blandford Fly biting season is from the end of April to the end of June.